Seminole table runner. There is a lot of other stuff here but just click on the blue line that says Seminole Runner.
I did a Seminole table runner several years ago. It was a pattern by Terry Atkinson and cost me $8.00 for the pattern. It was fun to do.
Wow this is long isn't it?
It snowed today , fat flakes that didn't stay long around our place but in other parts of the city and surroundings it did stick to the ground. And then came the rains, what a mess of slush, dangerous to walk on. Ray and I don't have the sense to use an umbrella so we both got a bit wet.
We had to go to the clinic today to question about the exchange of appliances. Ray took that up with the nurse in the clinic.
Then we went to Cockney Kings for fish and chips. Good as usual.
I just thought I'd share this with you I got a kick out of it and hope you enjoy it too.
This afternoon I had planned to embroider a piece for a friend , so I plugged in my memory stick and my machine just kept reverting to the internal designs. It was so weird. I tried ant tried but then remembered the words of Albert Einstein . Definition of Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
With that in mind I stopped doing the same thing over and over LOL. I checked the stick into my PC and it looked all right there but in my laptop it was not behaving. So my thought is that the memory stick has become defective. Tomorrow I will go and buy a new one. The only thing about that is formatting the stick. I forget how to do that. It has to be formatted both in the computer and in the embroidery machine.
Vikki from my embroidery list has given me some good advice regarding this which I will try soon
So that messing around took the better part of the afternoon, no time for a nap today LOL.
I have been having a lot of trouble with pains in my eyes lately and think it may be the laptop. Tonight they are quite sore so I am going to sign off.
Bon Soir.