Bob of Bob and Buzz fame called today to say the he had a net for Ray's car and Jim gave him the one from the red Taurus.
But that is not the news. Bob said they had a car accident and their car was totaled. A woman in a van ran into them. They both had to go to the hospital in the ambulance. Bob said they both suffered soft tissue injuries. Sorry guys! Get better soon!
We too Jim over to Budget where the red Taurus was stored and picked it up. He took it home to our place and then took Ray and I our for lunch to Mr. Ho's -Chinese food.
Michael Phelps made history today with his 19th medal. I was happy about that as I was rooting for him. Last Olympics in China whne he won 8 gold medals was an amazing feat and I was stunned at his ability to succeed. Of course I do not like to get my face wet so any swimmer had my admiration. LOL
A great Christmas Redwork quilt. I loved it. But I have a Christmas quilt that I designed and made all the blocks of snowmen on my now defunct embroidery machine, Sigh!
Do you realize all the beautiful cherries are now in the stores. We went to the market today and bought cherries , grapes and corn.
We did eat a lot of cherries . Let me remind you not to eat too many as they cleans your system and you may not get out the next day.
On the other hand they taste way too good!! haha!
I love the action and spirit in this picture of a little mouse.
Fly away , fly away home LOL.
Another friendship picture, aren't they good together. I like these photos of animals together who shouldn't be friends but are. Doesn't this one warm your heart. It does mine.

So have a lovely evening folks, the weather is beautiful for sitting on the porch and drinking tea. Too bad I don't have a porch LOL.
Buona Sera.