a favourite shade of blue

a favourite shade of blue

Friday, July 16, 2010

Computers :>0

Aren't they the thing? I was using my laptop which I usually do in the evening, well morning and afternoon too :>)) and the battery warning kept coming on and saying not much battery life left. We turned off the computer and restarted it after counting to 10, then Ray turned off the power bar, no luck. The computer said I may have to change the battery. This is a new computer as those who have followed the life and times of my computers and cameras would know so no new battery. Then I said to Ray maybe it is detached from that other little bar called the reducer we think. Lo and behold that was the problem.
So I am back in business:>)
After my appointment with the doctor for a refill of a prescription we went to London Drugs to see about my camera which was still pumping out blue photos, doesn't sound very proper does it? LOL There was a different lady there and she knew what she was doing. She set it all back to default and the photos turned out just fine. I was so grateful as I wanted it for tomorrow . I was prepared to buy another one if I had to send that one back to Panasonic for repairs. Nothing can stop me LOL!!!
We gave some money to the provincial government in the afternoon at the Casino next to the race track. I said to Ray we should have bet on the ponies for all the good it did going to the casino :>)) It was a beautiful day, the band was playing and the horses were racing. You could get a drink of some kind and hot dogs I think. It would have been a nice day.
Sew,no sewing again. I am definitley planning on something on Sunday since we will be away all day tomorrow.
Did I tell you that my Winking Santa embroidered towel was featured on the Showcase at Emblibrary http://www.emblibrary.com/el/elprojects/showcase_elp.aspx?page=sh_071610_C
Long address so just go to Emblibrary.com and click on the Showcase. OR I could try and put it up on my blog ,right. Not that easy though but I'll try.
Yes right now, so have a good one and so will I :>))

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