a favourite shade of blue

a favourite shade of blue

Friday, October 21, 2011

Not Out Of The Woods

I just got notification from my dad today that Grandma has been put into isolation. It appears that she has developed a kidney infection and must wait for it to pass before her recovery can continue.

I don't know the details and my dad has not indicated the severity of the infection, but as always, I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything.



BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Thank you Mary for the update. I'm so sorry your having so much trouble Nan......feel better.

Diana said...

tell Nan we are thinking of her and saying a prayer.

Diana Davis said...

Thank you Mary for keeping us updated. Please tell Nan we miss her very much at FLQ! She is one of my favorite people! Lots of prayers going up for my sweet friend! ♥

Gail in Arizona said...

Mary please tell Nan and Ray we are praying for them still. Also everyone on Kritter Remnents and Sunflower Quilters sends their love and prayers. We <3 you dear friend Nan - Gail