a favourite shade of blue

a favourite shade of blue

Friday, October 28, 2011

Good and Not so Good News

So the good news is that Grandma should be headed home next week. They are aiming for November 3rd or so.

The bad news is that the original infection seems to have jumped to her kidneys. She will be on a regime of anti-biotics until Monday and then they will observe her for 2 days without them. Originally they couldn't fight the infection successfully using anti-biotics because of its location. The bladder was harbouring it and allowing it to fester. Because her kidneys are not quite the same in their ability to hide this infection, we are hoping that this means anti-biotices will be successful this time around. If everything seems okay after they have observed her, they will send her home. However, that does not preclude it from returning again.

Grandma is understandably frustrated by this turn of events. We are all hoping for the best and I have assured her that her family is behind her, regardless of what we have to do to fight this thing and win :)

If the anti-biotics are unsuccessful I will let you guys know.



Amy said...

Mary - Thanks for keeping us updated. She is in my thoughts and prayers. Your family as well.

Anonymous said...

Thank you all so much for keeping us updated on our "sweet Nan's" progress, relapses and more progress. Be sure to let her know her Kansas friend, Lindsay, keeps her in prayers daily, several times. She is so special to me, as is all her family, some I've met, and others just from her glowing reports. Again, thank you Adam and Mary