a favourite shade of blue

a favourite shade of blue

Thursday, July 9, 2015

lovely quilt

A portion of a very beautiful quilt. Not only is the design lovely but the hand quilting is fabulous. Nice start to the blog tonight.

Ray had to go to Cambie St. for an Ultrasound on his bladder because of an infection he had last year. That kept us busy fir part of the afternoon, a good part because as you know travel, waiting and getting the job done. It all takes time.
On the way home we stopped off at Safeway and picked up dinner, chicken, potato salad and fried onion rings. It was good mostly but I found the onion rings had a sweet taste and I do not like things that are not sweet to taste that way. 

We watched TV after that. I tried to call Jim but there was no answer. I'll try again tomorrow. 

Adam and Lisa are leaving Louisiana on a trip to Scotland for the Highland Games. It is great to see them in the natural setting. I did that the time I was in Scotland in the late sixties. It is obviously so authentic.  The girls dance the highland fling in their gorgeous kilts.

There is also a group dance which is so colourful .

That is it tonight, have a wonderful evening. Pray for those affected by all the forest fires. There are so many of them right now.

Good night folks.

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