a favourite shade of blue

a favourite shade of blue

Thursday, February 23, 2012


http://thehappyzombie.com/blog/?p=543   A unique take on the traditional Monkey Wrench.

http://www.fabricfreedom.co.uk/QuiltsAndProjects.html   This is the Talk of the town so to speak. I made this one a long time ago, taught to me by a friend. I like it so much that maybe I'll make another one.

We had a lovely day. First Ray and I met our dear friends Bob and Buzz for lunch. That was the usual fun. We have been friends for a long time and it is always good to get together. Thanks for finding my ring Buzz in the pocket of the coat you took for the church.

Ray and I went for a bit of a walk but his leg is bothering him and he can't walk too far.  He thinks it is from the statins he is taking for cholesterol. I think he should try without them and exercise and eat well to keep that cholesterol down but the doctor has a fit at any mention of that. It is not fun for him when that leg causes him so much distress.
After we got home Margaret came over with a book by Karin Slaughter  entitled Fallen. Another good visit- she and her daughter Karin are coming to my birthday party but Marg thought it was a secret and talked to Ray first. He told her I knew all about it.
Then  two of my friends from the Pot Luck group Jan and Jan visited for while bearing gifts , a lovely orchid and a gift from Nepal .

We all taught school together , they are still teaching while I retired in 1996. They brought me a nice gift from Patti who spends her summers in Nepal climbing mountains with her husband. What a pair, they are so adventuresome. They are great skiers too. Thank you Patti for the lovely little bag of tea.

They wanted to know all about my kids so we talked about that and how Adam took little Adam skiing in Utah for Mardi Gras, a bit of a departure from the usual Mardi Gras celebrations. LOL
I also talked to Adam on the phone , he said little Adam is a good little skier and show a bit of adventure too.
In between guests I managed to do a bit of knitting or should I    say a bit of unknitting as some of it was wrong. :(((

                                                 Good night folks.
Have a great evening.

1 comment:

Gail in Arizona said...

Nan I had to stop taking Lipitor due to leg pains - actually bone and joint pains. Made the arthritis unbearable. There are other medicines out there. David takes Plavix and something else that is a statin (spelling) Don't let the doctor get away with saying that is all there is. Look it up on the computer, print it out and take it with you. That's what I do anymore. hugs Gail