Ah follow the leader hens and chicks
- cre8tivequilter.blogspot.com/.../block-of-week-block-20-hen-and-chicksAnd the block.Block of the Day.....Dolly Madison Star.Download now as a pdf patternGetting ready for Halloween with coasters/jacko'lanterns.This is a quite interesting show of threads. It is worth the few minutes it takes.We have RAIN lots of rain. It sounds so wonderful thumping down on the leaves and the roof.We knew it was going to rain today as the air was heavy with moisture. Sometimes when it is like that it fills your lungs with water and it can be hard to breathe. Now that does sound foolish but it has been real for me.This morning we had to go to the Post Office to change our address back again from Marg's address. They have put aBox out in front of our door . So we had to go and buy a lock for our part of the box. We went to Canadian Tire for that. And we had to talk about going after Canada Post to get our $80 back. I'll do that tomorrow. Another job . I am always doing something.Then we had to shop for mayonnaise. Imagine, only one thing but we had forgotten it the other day.After we came home Marg came over with the mail and for a visit. It was good. We talked about cruising and our experiences of it. Marg has gone on a couple of cruises and I have only gone on one. That was years ago. But I loved it.
I love the beautiful dresses on the ladies. Times sure have changed, we are more comfortable today but something has been lost in the interim. I think it is beauty and grace.
If this was my block I would call it Morning and Night. What would you call it?Queen Victoria as a baby LOL. Can't you just see it?This is a quilt show in the Maritimes, Annapolis valley to be precise, Eglise Sacre Coeur.I show this because out very own Pumpkin Seeds also has a show in a local church every year. It is a chance to display our work and to make a few dollars from the ones we sell.So that is it folks.Have a wonderful evening.Good night, sleep well.
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