a favourite shade of blue

a favourite shade of blue

Friday, October 18, 2013



This one is a neat one. I call it a super star.Eight triangles in the centre and another eight on the outside. All different fabrics. I love it.

Isn't this a nice piece for you or for a gift.

Baby quilt using yoyos for some of the flowers. What a great idea and the size could be reduced to make a doll's quilt,  Use just three of the yoyo flowers for that.

Download now as a pdf pattern

It is called Milky Way and is quite an interesting pattern. My friend Gail would love this one as it has a Friendship Star as the focal point and that is her favourite pattern.

This is a lovely quilt and matching cushion.. The colours really appeal to me as does the block design.

I have been home all day but Ray got to go out. I first did not feel well and then had some internal troubles that kept me in the house. I spent a good deal of the day in bed. 
Ray is busy making some pea soup from the ham bone left over from the ham dinner we had the other night. 

Richard called this afternoon , we had a long chat. He is going on a corn maze  with friends. Good for him, it should be fun.

Now this is fun for the little kitten. It makes me want a kitten. LOL or a puppy.
Pinterest has some great quilts in this site. It is like a quilt show, it IS a quilt show.  Enjoy the view.

I think the soup is ready and from past pea soups I know it will be so delicious. Time for dinner. And it was delicious and I forgot that i was not finished with this blog. 
I wandered around and bought a set of fairies to embroider. I had already bought this set but it got lost when I took the laptop to that kid in London Drugs.

But this time I got it properly downloaded and it is safe. Now maybe I shouldn't say that and  tempt the gods.

You're on Candid Camera. Do you remember that TV show? Allen Funt was the founder of this show. The show involved filming of ordinary  people being confronted with unusual situations. When the joke was revealed  victims would be greeted with SMILE You're On Candid Camera.

Mother love. So lovely.

This picture makes your heart throb at least it does mine. It is so beautiful to see the love between animal and human.

Off the cushion and into the pot LOL.
Poor kitty.

Whoops dancing on the edge can be dreadfully dangerous kids.

Have a nice night folks. Good night.

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