a favourite shade of blue

a favourite shade of blue

Saturday, December 28, 2013


We have been away all day from early morning to 7:00 tonight. All three of us are quite tired out but satisfied that we had a good day with Mary, Albert and Rose.

We took the ferry to Sidney and drove to Victoria to Mary and Albert's apartment. Rick gets us at the front of the ferry because he has a wheelchair and is handicapped. We got on early and set up to the restaurant which is what nearly everyone does when they get on the ferry. We went tot he 6th floor where they had the buffet. The view was fabulous and the restaurant was lovely. Sitting up high on the ferry and watching the islands go by or us going by the islands, just very large rocks in the middle of the sea was a beautiful sight. Small sailboats motored by as the sea was very calm ,hardly any waves, so no sails were required.
We had our breakfast at the buffet. It was not the best buffet I have had but it was adequate and the setting was spectacular as I have said. 
We sat there drinking coffee until it was time to go down to the car deck and depart to drive to Mary's.

We had fun at Mary and Albert's watching Rose play. She was fun to be with and just a bundle of energy. She never stopped for a minute. It's a good thing Mary is young. She needs her strength LOL.

Richard took us all to White Spot for lunch. Rose ordered a pirate pack. Ray and I shared a clubhouse sandwich . I can't recall what the others had. Maybe because I paid not attention.

My fall last night has resulted in a sprained wrist and a sore elbow along with a few other aches and pains.

On the ferry on the way back we saw a young family with three boys all dressed alike and it reminded Rick and me of my five boys all so close in age. There was only 6 years between the eldest and the youngest. Those were busy years for me. But they were magical times for us.

All in all it was a wonderful day. Thank you to Richard for including us in the visit and to Mary and Albert for sharing it with us.

Another full day and no more to write. I hope your day was good too.
Good night.

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