You can find numerous quilt blocks on this page-many lovely colours .
There you go the quilt-pretty nice one isn't it.
Richard is in the kitchen preparing the turkey for Thanksgiving dinner.
Turkey is in the oven, we are watching Steel Magnolias again. We all like this movie and why not, it was so well done that it is a classic.
And we are waiting for Charlotte to arrive along with Meaghan, Lewis and Ricky. Haha!!
Matthew , Caroline and Ryan were here this morning with dessert LOL. They brought two desserts ,Matthew made one and Caroline made the other. Now we have to choose which one is the best. Apparently it is a contest between the two of them LOL. It was really a nice visit, Ryan is home from UBC in Kelowna for Thanksgiving. We were happy to see them all.
Our wonderful grandson Ryan who visited this morning with his mom and dad Caroline and Matthew. It was so great to see him.
Another good look at this good looking boy.
Matthew and Ray inspecting my Halloween wall hanging. Matthew said he likes Halloween and I had several pieces on display. He liked the table cover I had too so if I can find some good Halloween fabric I intend to make him one. It is an easy pattern, just making snowballs along with a creepy background and quilted with a scary stitch from my machine. The only think wrong with it is the batting. Do not use a batting that is too thin, at least give it a bit of body. That is what I learned from this table square.
Our grandson Ricky who also visited this morning. They just missed each other by about 5 minutes. Too bad. Ricky's dad is Richard. Hard to figure that one out isn't it :))
Then in the afternoon Meaghan , Lewis and Charlotte arrived. Charlotte full of smiles and energy and just waiting to run around the apartment. She is a dynamo and a lot of fun. We all love her so much. She hugged and kissed her grandpa Richard and Grandad Ray as well as Grandma Nan. It was a love-in to be sure.
Eating the grapes, but still keeps her hand on the sippy cup.
Lewis with Charlotte.
Richard with his coffee. He has a lot of leg trouble and finds that his leg gives out a lot.
Up close and personal, Charlotte loves the camera and gets right up to it. I love that little face.
Mary Rose and Carla in the pumpkin patch. Carla is Mary's mom and Rose and Charlotte's grandma. Looks like a great day in the patch.
And today Block is ..... a pumpkin tralala.
Time 's up folks.
Have a good evening.
Buona Sera.
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