a favourite shade of blue

a favourite shade of blue

Thursday, February 18, 2010

mittens red

My son In Louisiana wrote and said he wanted the iconic Olympic mittens for him and his wife . They are so popular because they represent the Olympics so well and the price is small. Big value, small price, what could be better LOL.. Oh yes , the cost, $10.00 a pair. So I bought the 2 pair for them and another very small pair for my great grandson who also lives in Louisiana.
Mary is off to town to meet her sister Meg, , Meg's DH and some friends to take in the free venues in town. Then tonight she is meeting my granddaughter Chelsea, different parents from Mary's. Chelsea is Matthew's daughter, Mary is Rick's daughter. They are going to a concert together. That should be a lot of fun.
Today I want to make a couple of tea towels for Sharon, the friend who gave me the lovely quilt. She asked if I could make them and I was really happy to be able to give her something she likes. I think I can manage that today.
The Korean skater just fell in the speed skate and is checking her teeth to see if they are loose since she fell on her face. Such a shame. Whoops this belongs in the Olympic Digest. Probably it will end up there too LOL.
We bought chips for tonight when we watch the Olympics. We don't usually do that but I kind of felt like having them. Regular and Salt and Vinegar MMMM..
Lindsay Vonn just fell!!!! in the women's slalom.
They are falling all over today and yesterday too in the half pipe snowboarding. Going now, no more to say believe it or not. whoops not quite, Mary just called and said she wanted to buy grandpa Ray a set of Olympic pins. He was looking at them today so that will make him happy.

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