a favourite shade of blue

a favourite shade of blue

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Olympic Digest 2/18/2010

I had a good laugh at Shani Davis when he said It's my party and I'll party if I want to paraphrasing Leslie Gore and he is not the only athlete to do so..Canadian short track speed skater Marianne St.Gelais' headlines sang the same song after she won a silver medal.
There are so many medals , too many to count so I can only address very few on this short blog.
One thing I thought was just great is the designs that are on the athlete's helmets. Jeff Pain has a raging beaver on his helmet, Melissa Hollingsworth a horse skull on hers but the one I got the biggest kick out of is Canada's Jon Montgomery's turtle on his helmet. Turtle on a racer's helmet HELLO!!However to be faithful to the susbject he had a native depiction of a turtle on his helmet on the advice of a shaman. I like my version better LOL.
There is a line up in town to touch the Gold medal , need to have white gloves on though. Mary said the line up was 3 1/2 hours. I can't imagine doing that but she said she was going to do it.
We are watching hockey, Team Canada and Switzerland. Sidney Crosby got a high stick in the face, he's bleeding. The game is tight with a tie in the third.
I want to see Evgeni Yushenko in the men's single, which started at 5:00 but this is Canada and you can Not turn off the hockey game :>(
Just to move on over a bit, Tiger is holdiong a news conference tomorrow, no questions though :>))
That's all folks!

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