a favourite shade of blue

a favourite shade of blue

Friday, May 14, 2010

chicken coop

We have a very green mayor who is in with the likes of our premier Gordon Campbell, Arnold Schwarzenager, and Al Gore. In view of the fact that eating within a 100 miles of where you live is the latest concept in green sustainability, he has decreed that Vancouverites can keep chickens in their back yards as long as certain rules are ahdered to, most of them about cleanliness and fair trade rules to chickens, kind of like a chicken union. I am wondering if he plans to hire a Chicken Inspector. He also wants to build a $25,000 home for retired chickens who have been abandoned by their owners, kind of like buying a big dog and then not wanting it so you give it to the pound. Think it will get full, fast? LOL Lots of jokes around that one, some suggestions observed that killing the chickens for McNuggets wouldl be a good option.
On that note I want to tell you of a chicken observation that Ray saw one day as he was driving home along an exit. There happened to be a bus stop on the exit lane and a bench for passengers to sit on while they waited for the bus to arrive. Two women were sitting on the bench , one at each end and in the middle of the bench sat a rooster quite calm about the whole event. These chickens are taking over , so beware!! Did I tell you this one? Well it bears repeating so look for it at some later date LOL.
It always makes me laugh whenever I think of the rooster LOL.
No sewing today but I did go to one of our bigger stores as they had a great sale. I didn't need anything, who does? The line ups were long for cutting and for paying . Believe it or not I came home with nothing :>))
We bought 2 big hanging baskets today, will add the photos .
I had a great day, hope you did too.
Be good and still have fun :>)) Oxymoron?

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