a favourite shade of blue

a favourite shade of blue

Tuesday, September 18, 2012



Nice pattern from Craftsy and a bit unusual.

I had to stay home today from my sewing groups. It was a big disappointment as you would understand. But I was feeling very badly this morning and very shaky. I had to go back to bed and slept for several hours. What a pain.
So the day passed and I had not got a thing done. I went back to bed later in the day as well.  I hope tomorrow is better. Ray has an appointment with a back specialist in the morning and I have to refrain from coffee for 24 hours because I go for a MIBI on Thursday.
So I need to get my legs under me and working.

But I did watch some TV, really old movies from 1933 ,B&W  of course,  featuring Greta Garbo and John Gilbert.
John Gilbert was Marg's husband's name.
It was about The Swedish Queen, Queen Christina circa 1600 I think. The Queen fell in love with a Spanish envoy who was sent by the Spanish government to ask her to marry the Spanish king. She did not like the painting of the king , in fact he looked very odd, but she did like his envoy which caused a great deal of trouble. She also didn't want to marry the Swedish suitor that was pressing his suit for her hand.
He ventured to dare the envoy to a duel. When the Queen arrived on the ship that was to take her and the envoy to Spain where they were to live in his home on a white cliff. But when she arrived at the ship her lover was on a stretcher and in very bad shape. He dies in her arms. She then decides to go on to his home on the white cliffs. I am not sure what her reception would be when she arrived in Spain as the ling wanted her hand. However romances do not always fulfill all the requirements or settle all the mysteries of the programme. But it was very interesting to watch Greta Garbo in a movie. I liked it.

I did a bit of knitting this afternoon but just a bit as my hands get very stiff while knitting. A bit is better that none.

Cute little guy isn't he. A tufted titmouse is what he is called. I think he is a little warbler.
Does this one make you laugh, it sure did me.
Now this is an imaginative gardener. I love it. You can use almost anything for a planter. My friend Heather uses an old toilet bowl for a planter LOL.

Isn't this a pretty bed quilt and just such a simple block the Bow Tie. You can find this blockbow tie quilt block everywhere. Just type in Bow tie quilt block. I looked at some of the  sites that show you how to make this block but there seem to be so many bits of instruction that I thought you may find one that suits you. A more simple way to make the block. I know there is a way haha. I made a quilt from bow tie blocks. It is a fun block to make.
 This one went to Meaghan. I used conversation prints and white, the secondary pattern that came out was the white hexagon.  it was a very early quilt and I had no idea that would dominate the quilt.
Wow this is a strange colouration . Interesting eh!
This is a beautiful grey with a contrasting black mane and tail.  He is a beauty, not too many horses of this colour. At least I have not seen many.
Sweet isn't it , a poignant picture of domesticity as well as an advetisement for Singer.
Bluebirds of happiness. :))
When I was young The Bluebird of Happiness was a song sung by Jan Peerce and was a very popular song often heard at weddings.
Time for me to go.
Have a great evening folks.
Bon soir

1 comment:

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Hope you have a healthy, happy tomorrow.