a favourite shade of blue

a favourite shade of blue

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Big storm here

Big thunder and lightening storm here tonight. Rain as well. It is a night for fun. Well I like storms and that is fun for me.

I went for my MIBI today. We got up at 6:00 AM needed to be at the hospital for 7:45.  A MIBI is a test of the heart.  First you go into once section of the unit to be fitted with an IV that will be used to administer a drug called Persantum which is dedicated to increasing your heat rate. It takes them a long time to find a vein thaat they can use . Several pokes later I was ready to go into the other room for the test.  There I was hooked up to a blood pressure machine on the other side. Now both arms were in use.
Then the drug went in and the heart rate went up, and up until i was in major pain in my chest. Then it was over for that part and I had to go into the tube for a set of pictures. 

Done and all the tubes removed we went to visit Bob who had his gall bladder removed  yesterday. He was not too bad, alert,  but hooked up to a morphine drip . There was a woman in his room who cried and complained non stop. This happened to me too when I was in the hospital, these poor souls are on the regular wards because there is no room for people with dementia anywhere else. Bob will be in there for over a week as he had to have a full surgery due to infection in the gall bladder.

Tomorrow I have to go back to the hospital for another set of pictures in the tube while the heart is at rest. then it will be over . What the reading is I have no idea.

Marg came over in the afternoon to bring dinner,  pasta and sauce ,so we did not have to cook. Thanks Marg and Michael.

On to other things, not my life LOL.

Some nice things form Martingale

Look for more Halloween designs  on this page and if you like getting things in the email sign up for Martingale . It is always interesting to read.

quick trick from recycled shirt

This is interesting folks, take a look.

I am getting tired so a couple of pictures and I am finished.

Richard has suffered another loss to his illness, he had to sell his boat and it sold today. It is a sad day for him. On the up side he got home to Calgary today after a long trip.

One block two arrangements of colour.  I think you can click on the picture for instructions.

that's all folks....
Good night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The hospital rooms are coed there in Canada ?
" There was a woman in his room who cried and complained non stop."