a favourite shade of blue

a favourite shade of blue

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

cleaned up my sewing

Jim arrived last night around 12:30, we were in bed but he has his own set of keys so we never worry about him waking us up. We went to the newest Costco in Burnaby. We took a long long drive because we got lost in the wilds of Burnaby , finding roads we had never seen before  and going down more dead ends than I thought existed. But it was an adventure , we finally found our way back to Canada Way and backtracked to come in the other way. Jim wanted something at Costco, but Ray and I did not want to get lured into the Costco game and spend more than a hundred dollars. We used to get away with that amount but the last time it was nearly $150. And we are proud to announce we walked out of Costco with nothing. We spent $00.
Since Adam and Lisa will be here tonight we changed the bed and I had to put all my sewing eauipment away for the day and maybe the week , that depends on how many  people will be here this week. No sewing unless it is some applique. I am down to the toe of sock 2 and almost done with the decreases. Another hurrah!!
I had my back treatment with my wonderful chiropractor this morning, it was a good thing as my back was way out of alignment and he fixed me up for a while. Old backs tend not to behave well.:<(
Ray's cousin called tonight and invited us out for dinner tomorrow night. We haven't seen them for about 5 years so that will be nice. They want to go to Mr. Ho's for Chinese food and we were there tonight to take Jim for his birthday dinner LOL Marianne told us that Rays' cousin in Thunder Bay found his wife dead on the floor of the bedroom when he got up in the morning after a night on the couch. 
I said to Ray that Mr. Ho should give us a discount as we have been there three times in the past two weeks. Haha.
Time to go Adam and Lisa should be here soon.
Have a good evening. Bon Soir.

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