a favourite shade of blue

a favourite shade of blue

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

the supplies are here

This has been an all day delivery system either if goods or of services.
The shower lady was first, then the nurse who gives the antibiotic ,next the cleaning lady, Lynn ,from Nurse Next Door and finally the man from down town  with the medical supplies. Who would think being ill would require so many people and so much medicine. Ha! It takes all day.
We did not get out at all, at least I didn't Ray just went and took my car out for a spin. I haven't driven it since last December. Adam drove it a bit in the summer but Ray likes to keep it running occasionally. I am concerned that I may not drive again if my legs don't improve. Maybe a few more months will make a difference.
I just talked to Mary and she said she is still gestating. Funny girl.
We are watching  Oasis, it is such a wonderful nature channel. Today it is about breeding ducks, the footage of the hatchlings riding around on their mother's backs is amazing.
Red necked grebe

The next show was about rutting deer. Fascinating how the alpha male vanquishes all comers. What amazing racks these animals have. And on Sunday there is a great show of Parrots. Ray and I used to have parrots so we will love this show.
I lost one of my ballerina blocks. Remember I had done three of them, now there are two. We looked all over but no luck. However I know it will turn up sometime. I can only look for such a short time but I'll try again tomorrow. Wish me luck!! LOL

The Pan Pacific held their Christmas Wish breakfast this morning, bring a toy, get a buffet/pancake breakfast. The toys were piled to the ceiling, amazing sight.
Have a lovely evening.


Diana Davis said...

I sure hope you keep on improving Nan! And it is good you get all those people coming to help you and take care of you.

As for your lost block; is it still at the machine maybe? Or perhaps it stuck to something else?

Jean said...

Yes, Nan, one day at a time as long as there is some improvement each day.
Look in the fabric pile you had out when you were doing the ballerinas. Or , if you were using a book while sewing it might between pages. Have a great day. Jean