The painters are here and working like mad. It is such a huge mess with all the stuff taken down and furniture pushed away from the walls. I think it will take all week to get it back in shape again. Ray does nearly all of it and I don't want him to over extend himself . So it will take time to recover LOL. Now we are thinking of recarpeting and I can only imagine how much work that will take but the carpets are bad and need to be replaced. I wish there was someone who could come in and do the dirty work LOL.
While the painters were here I finished my fast read book so it goes back to the library tomorrow. It was written by Peter Robinson and entitled Before the Poison. It was a wonderful story about a woman who was hanged in Britain in the 50s for ostensible poisoning her husband. The story of her experiences as a nurse in WW2 was so engrossing. And the whole book was beautifully written. If you have the opportunity read it.
Just a taste of how messy this painting can be but now that it is done it looks so fresh that we have to get our carpets changed.
We have just too much stuff and some of it has to go.
I wondered where Mary has been hiding, no email, no facebook and then just now discovered that her mom is over in Victoria visiting Rose and Mary and Albert.
She or Carla out some lovely photos on Facebook of their visits to Beaconfield Park and Butchart Gardens.
Here are some of the photos.
Rose and the kids at Beaconsfield Park. At least I think it is because It is like the one where I took my boys when we lived in Victoria.
She's pretty as a picture, blooming as a rose, grace in every movement, charm in every pose tra la la.
Charlotte sitting in the sun and squinting her eyes. She won't be there for long I think LOL. She is a very spirited young lady.
The caption said this is why boys need parents but boys always get there first. As a mother of 5 boys in 6 years I know whereof I speak. It you take your eyes off them for just a minute they are out on the roof walking across it from one end to the other. They are very scary little creatures LOL But so loveable..
Haha I guess this little guy in the last photo has not developed any yet.
But this little darling is so adorable that he makes everyone smile.
See what I mean about loveable little boys.
Just a little bit of sugar makes the medicine go down. I am remembering all the old songs that go with these photos, can't help myself LOL.
I am curious to know how these edges were cut and are the blocks circular or do they just look htat way to me. If they are square or straight edged then I know how they were cut. It is a rotary cutter blade, I have two of them myself but not this design. Kind of pretty aren't they.
Time out folks.
Have a great evening.
Mom has a pair of scissors that cut like that :D She's had them for ages. They're the old steel kind.
And yes, Rose and I and Mom were at Beacon Hill Park and Children's Farm. No Buchard Gardens though! I've never been! :(
She's pretty as a picture, blooming as a rose, grace in every movement, charm in every pose tra....
Where is this from? My grandfather used to sing this to my grandmother and his granddaughters almost everyday but never knew what it was from!
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