a favourite shade of blue

a favourite shade of blue

Monday, July 8, 2013

Thank you Mary

Many thanks to Mary for filling in for me last night.
As Mary told you our building had a bad fire. It is in the shape of an L and the fire was at the top of the L.  We live at the end of the L. We were adjured to spend the night at a hotel as the authorities evacuated the building. Not everyone took to a hotel but we did for safety sake as who knows what a fire will do. The firemen were amazing , they had to be changed out so often minutes even because of the heat of the fire and the heat outside yesterday.  I never really thought of them being so wonderful before but I certainly do now. They offer up their lives in service to their community. 
So Ray and I took their advice and went to a hotel pid for by the city. the city services were so good and our neighbours across the street bought up a great number of pizzas in order to feed those who were evacuated from their homes.

Many units were totally destroyed by this fire.
This morning Matthew came to the hotel and we all went out for breakfast. It was a lovely visit and one I hope to repeat soon.
Then Ray and I came home. our unit was not affected so we came up in the elevator. Some people said we weren't supposed to be in the building but no one stopped us when we got here and there were people everywhere. I suspect it was the part where the fire was that was off limits.
We did not go out again today but people came to our door to see if we were okay. Neighbours are wonderful. Chris next door came to the door and offered us help if we needed it. 
That was it for the day other than to say we both had a much needed nap.
My laptop was messed up because the electricity was off for a long time. I called Mary to see what to do and we did as we were told and it was fixed mostly. There was something about POP that came up briefly . I don't know what it was all about.

Block of the Day . Somehow I have managed to lose the instructions but still the block is nice.
Download now as a pdf pattern
there I found it.

Another nice place to stop and stay a while.

Well I am pretty tired so I'll close for now.
Have a great evening.
Good night.

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