a favourite shade of blue

a favourite shade of blue

Monday, August 29, 2016

a waste

It was a wasted afternoon. My Blood sugar rose to 19 . Ray told the doctor and he said take her to the hospital and let them get it down. 
So we went to the hospital. And sat there for over three hours, nobody even spoke to us. Oh that is not true, they took my Sugar after 2 1/2 hours, it was 12.4, on its way down without help. After sitting there for several hours we left and came home. I was really hungry and starting to shake. 

So we had soup for dinner tonight, chicken noodle. I really like chicken noodle. Ray had a sandwich. That was it. Now that TOPS is gone we have to find another place to visit.  There is IHOP and Swiss Chalet, that pretty well sums it up in our neighbourhood, other than the KEG which is not a fast food place. Oh yes, McDonald's , Wendy's Dairy Queen. There you have it ,places to go.

That is all folks, have a good evening.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry but the nurse in me says no more donuts and the candy at night.. :(
watch the starches also.