I sewed on my butterflies today at Tuesday group. My friend bought a house in Maine and was regaling us with stories of her odd neighbour, who upon meeting was hugging her and patting her, she does not enjoy that, and the neighbour offered to play her cello at my friend's daughter's wedding in June. It takes all kinds but she means well.
We did not go to Community Quilts today as Mary Alice had hurt her back and it is her house where we have our sewing day. It was supposed to be the group's pot luck too . I know Mary Alice must be in real ppain to have to cancel this day. I hope she gets better fast. Both she and her husband are doctors so one witty quilter said she would have to listen to her doctor's advice .
I left the church a bit early today and did not go to Betty's for tea. I was tired after a poor night's sleep so came home and had a lovely nap.
The Christmas season is fast approaching and many activities are on the calendar. Tomorrow is the party at Guild and here I have lost my email newsletter and can't remember what I am supposed to bring to the party. I do remember something about don't forget your thimble ;)) So I'll take a thimble !
I forgot my camera once again so have no new photos for today. Too bad as there were some nice pieces being worked on. Betty Lu had a huge quilt that she was hand quilting. It was a UFO of 15 years but looked quite contemperary. She is a hugely original designer and has had quilts shown in Paducah and Houston. She has won ribbons in Paducah. It is so nice to watch her work, a privilege I'd say.
I am going to look through my files to see if there are any unused pictures I can add to the blog. It looks so dull with no pictures.
So I will remember my thimble......
I took a couple of photos of my recent butterflies.
Tomorrow I am going to show you how to do good free standing lace, just on case you don't know.
Have a great night, keep out of the rain.
Gang Song.
Lulu - wanted to thank you for 'turning me on' to the Shirley Tallman books. I am partway through the first one and am hooked! Thanks!
Can't wait for the instructions on FSL. I know, I know, I have to get near my machine to do it. LOL
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