Ione wrote this morning to say leave that guild block and get down to knitting her socks. LOL She is a funny lady!
Now that all the sewing is put away I really have nothing else to do but knit.
Right now we are watching the Hallejuha chorus in a mall, it is a glorious scene. I hope you all get to see it or hear it I should say. It will warm your heart to hear that beautiful piece of music sung by so many.
Ontario choir that set up flash mob in mall sets YouTube record ... - 1 hour ago
The 80-member Chorus Niagara showed up at the Seaway Mall in November and spontaneously serenaded surprised shoppers with a rendition of "Hallelujah" from ...Winnipeg Free Press - 129 related articles
Must-see video: Hallelujah Chorus in mall food court - Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (blog) - 1776 related articles
You can find the video here.
It was very rainy today but we are Wet Coasters and the rain does not keep us inside. Jim wanted to go to Princess Auto which was down United Boulevard. I have never been there , they have everything the auto afficiondo could want. We did not go to a quilt shop though. I think I'll demand to go to Fabricana on Boxing Day. Haha. We have to go to TOM's next Thursday anyway so I'll get my chance then.
Ray and I are bird lovers.
Here is another photo that i just love. I want to wish the troops in Afghanistan and Iraq a wonderful Christmas and it is my prayer that they can come home soon.
There is nothing like a puppy to bring love and happiness!!
On that note I'll leave for the night.
My wishes for a very Merry Christmas too all my friends.
Love you!!
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