Good dinner tonight and I cooked it. My specialty seems to be the slow cooker. This meal was a pork roast in the cooker along with wedges of onion, garlic, Hy's season salt and pepper and eventually a potato sliced into sixths. After all that came out of the pot I made gravy and added mushrooms. It was so good and the best part is that there is enough left for tomorrow's dinner. How's that for good!! Mmmm!!!
That was the end part of the day. This morning we had to stay in and wait for the water men to deliver the water for the cooler. After he was done we went out to get a few things at the grocery store and bought some Salmon oil pills. Then we stopped off at Tim's for a coffee and a doughnut. We seldom eat a doughnut but today I just felt like one. It wasn't difficult to persuade Ray to have one, well actually I didn't have to talk him into to at all, he just picked up the ball and ran with it LOL
When we got home I made four more yoyos to add to my little plastic bag. I was going to make two more Drunkard's Path blocks but the blade in the cutter was damaged. We had to go to Michael's and buy a package of the small blades. There were two in the package and we got them for 40% off the full price. How nice is that!
I still haven't put the new ones into the cutter but tomorrow's another day. If I try and do it tonight I'd probably cut myself. You recall how I explained that if I do things at night it all goes wrong LOL
Haha Some guys will sleep anywhere no matter how disgusting LOL. Cats are so relaxed.Too bad I am allergic to them or I might have one. Ray wouldn't have one because he doesn't care for cats, so he would have to move out haha. But my favourites are dogs. We don't have one of those either.
Another beautiful floral quilt from guild night Show and Tell. This one was very pretty with all different floral squares . I'm not sure how big the blocks were but you can actually use any size you want. These ones were larger than 6 inches , and not more that ten. My friend Betty made a gorgeous floral quilt only 6 inch blocks and four triangles of different forals. She used black as the background and it was stunning. I must ask Betty for a photo of that quilt for the blog.
A bug bottle quilt just perfect for a little boy or girls for that matter if she likes bugs LOL.
Bright and cheerful , a wonderful place to sleep if you can sleep with all the sunny environment around you. Still it is lovely!
My girl is a smart one, just a bit over a year old and reading already.Haha. Charlotte is quite a girl with a lot of interests.
Apple in a cup, a novel way to eat an apple but very reasonable to my mind LOL. And to Charlotte obviously....
Time to fly folks.
Have a beautiful evening, it sure is one here.
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