a favourite shade of blue

a favourite shade of blue

Friday, June 29, 2012

marital conversations

He: Well you were there...
She: I'm not always there when I'm there.
He: Sometimes we're both not there when we're there.
Darn you have to be there to appreciate the irony of that little conversation which we had this morning onour way to the grocery store. Haha.

Have you seen the trailer for Magic Mike? Matthew McConaughey is featured in that and he plays the part of a male stripper inviting the ladies to touch. He is so arrogant and pleased with himself that I am not sure whether he is acting a part or if he is for real. 

More I Spy news:
Katy Holmes has filed for divorce from Tom Cruise . I heard the news while standing in line around noon at the grocery store. A strange man very excitedly told me the news.  I thought they were a pretty solid couple so I am kind of disappointed. But who knows what goes on in a marriage. I don't -even in my own LOL.

After we came home from shopping guess where I went . Darn I am wasting so much time being tired and having to rest.

Another conversation:
She: Ray this cole slaw is Wonderful. What did you use?
He: My special touch.
Haha he always amuses me!!
Anyway it was absolutely delicious, just the right amount of vinegar to oil, then a bit of salt and pepper. Simple yet perfect!

These little guys  sitting it out on a string under the little umbrellas . But note the little guy on the right side having a drink of water LOL.

 And this guy wants to go along too. one of MArg's cats used to haunt her suitcase when she was going on a trip. Her cat used to get very annoyed at Marg leaving and she knew when she was going somewhere.Animals are marvellous. I am readong that book I mentioned where the locale is St. Tropez. Two of the character took their dogs, one a dog with a lovely personality with one leg and a blind eye. He hardly seemed to notice it.  The other a nasty little chihuahua who snarled and nipped and yapped. Then a Stray came onto the scene, A yellow dog who attached himself to a boy whose mother had just left him at the hotel and then told him she was getting married to a man with three children and they had no place for him. Anyway the yellow dog gave him a friend and a new lease on life. The author had drawn the character  of all the dogs so very well.

Does this have any meaning for you? LOL.
Time to go. Have a lovely evening.

Dobro vece

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