a favourite shade of blue

a favourite shade of blue

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thanks to Jean and Denise for their comments. My mom used to say the same thing Jean.
Denise glad you liked the stuff on yesterday's blog.
Now for some fun. Can you guess what this is?
Check out the answer at the end of the blog Haha.

I love this site but unfortunately have no left over blue jeans. But then I can't keep up with quilting anyway. Too many quilts, too littel time. I heard that years ago when I first began quilting and it is still true LOL.

Rick came over today fresh from his long trip north to the North Pole. He came in last night but sayed on the boat for the evening as he came the back way by Whislter. We haven't seen him for a bit so ir was good to have him visit.
Some pictures of his long journey. I cna't remember what he said about them all so you'll just have to look without commentary and enjoy the trip to the North Pole.
I like the notice, you are on your own it's the cold north take care of your self.
Feeding on the hillside beside the edge of the road.

Bison too at the side of the road. I love this photo. Lewis tells us there is a difference between bison and buffalo. Don't ask me what it is. You'll need to research that one yourself. LOL.

 Beautiful slide or is it a glacier. More likely the second one.

A hotel , where I don't know and face book where the answer to this is will not let me on. Try again. No !

Momma moose and a baby moose hidden in the weeds.
Klondike Kate eating joint Haha.

Ready for the night and it is cheap too .

There that is the slide show for the evening, which reminds me of the show we used to watch back in the 1940s. No TV and only a movie on Saturday if mom had the money. It was a series of Religious shows called Lantern Slides and the church put them on for the kids. We all went because it was fun to watch moving pictures . I am not sure the message came through to us but I still remember one of the slides of Jesus  with a bleeding heart. It was quite hideous for a small child.

So did you figure out what the picture at the beginning of the blog is. It is a pot of barley. Ray made beef barley soup today, Rick had two bowls and so did I. It was marvellous. He took the picture with my camera and said here out this on you blog. I did as I was told LOL>

Have a nice evening.

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