a favourite shade of blue

a favourite shade of blue

Monday, August 16, 2010

OOO my back hurts

and for no reason that I can see unless it was from sitting in the hospital on a hard chair waiting to see Ray's specialist. His very wonderful Rheumatologist left town, nothing to do with Ray , but I have felt that way myself sometimes LOL The new doctor was very nice and said he had been the teacher of our wonderful guy so that made us like him of course.
Someone on my flyladies list asked what kind of exercise we were all doing today . I said going to the hospital :>) It takes a lot of walking to get from where you park the car to where you want to go. We started off on 12th Ave and ended up on 10th Ave which was where Ray's dctor was. Then find a wash room , more walking and the gift shop, more walkingand climbing up and down stairs, finding to the coffee shop. We spent a bit at the gift shop. Ray found some great frogs for Lynn in that shop and I found the body powder that I have checked for in every other store in town. I am very happy about both things.
I did a bit more FMQ on the little baby quilt this morning before I went to have coffee with my friend Paula and then to the hospital. But that was all I did in the sewing department today. It is really hot and that debillitates me so I had a lay down rest but not a nap.
We are in a high to extreme fire hazard again and since we actually live in the midst of a forest in the middle of the city it is no wonder we are in a dangerous zone right now. I think I have talked about that before in this blog so enough said..
Tomorrow I will do a book review for those of you who are lovers of mysteries. Watch for it!
Stay cool folks and rest easy.

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